1.1 The appointment of a supervisor for Doctoral Degree By Research must meet the following criteria:
- The main supervisor must have a minimum qualification of the equivalent degree level enrolled by the student and at least two (2) years of working experience in teaching and research or as a co-supervisor who has graduated a master’s student.
- The main supervisor without the required experience in i. above, must appoint a co-supervisor who has graduated a research student.
- Newly appointed supervisor is compulsory to attend the supervision training handled by UCYP Human Resource Training Division.
- For students who choose to do research in critical and specific areas, the University may appoint a field supervisor from another university or industry with expertise in these fields to Supervise.
1.2 In principle, supervision should comprise of one Main Supervisor, and/or one Co- Supervisor, and/or one Field Supervisor.
1.3 The Main Supervisor who is an academic member of the University holds primary accountability for the student.
1.4 The area of research and/or expertise of the Main Supervisor should be related to the field of research or scholarly work of the student. If the work transcends different disciplines, the supervisors should include experts in related fields
1.5 To nominate a Main Supervisor, consideration will be given to the number and progress of students currently being supervised by the Academic staff, the experience, teaching or administrative commitments as well plans with respect to leaves.
1.6 The Main Supervisor’s tenure at the University should not be less than the minimum time allowed for the completion of the degree.
1.7 Should the case be that the Main Supervisor’s tenure will expire before the minimum period of study for the research degree, a Co-Supervisor who possesses related experience or expertise in the field of research and, is an academic staff¬ under tenure will take up appointment before expiration of the main supervisor’s tenure.
1.8 A student may nominate a Main Supervisor who has been approved by the Faculty Council. Should the supervisor be rejected by the Council, the student may appeal.
1.9 The Faculty Council is responsible for the selection of the appropriate supervisor and/or the other supervisors using the funding, facilities, resources (laboratory/studio/clinical facilities, and space) and expertise to support the research, as criteria for decision.
1.10 When there is only one supervisor, the supervisor must be a full-time staff of the University.
1.11 When there is more than one supervisor, the principal supervisor must be a full-time staff of the University
1.12 The appointment of a Supervisor shall take into account the research skills and experiences which are consistent with the research held of the student.
1.13 Supervisors appointed shall not have a close family link to the student. Both appointed supervisors also must not have any family relationship with each other.
1.14 Supervisors suggested by prospective students, are given priority to supervise, except in cases where the faculty feels that other supervisors are more qualified to supervise.
1.15 Appointment of an external party (either academic or non-academic) as held-supervisors can be considered if the external party is able to provide the necessary supervision.
1.16 Appointment of second supervisor among local academic staff is a must for the international student with the main supervisor is an expatriate with a contracted position.
1.17 For academic staff who will be coming to the end of their services, the Faculty Council should ensure that a replacement supervisor is appointed at least six (6) months prior to the end of the service date of the initial supervisor so that both of them can co-supervise without affecting the progress of the student’s research.
1.18 In all cases of protracted absence of beyond 3 months, such as research/ sabbatical leave, unforeseen circumstances, where possible, the supervisor will be expected to maintain the continuity of supervision. If this is not possible, the Faculty/Centre must plan in advance to put in place other suitable arrangements.
1.19 The Main Supervisor who retires from employment or whose status has changed to that of only an honorary member of the Faculty staff may still continue to supervise subjected to the Faculty approvals. If the retiree is unable to continue or approval is not obtained from the Faculty, a new Main Supervisor needs to be appointed to take on the responsibilities upon the retirement of the existing Main Supervisor. The student should be consulted prior to the decision.
1.20 In cases where the Main Supervisor ceases to become an Academic staff of the UCYP for whatever reason, he/she may still continue to be the Main Supervisor subjected to the Faculty approvals.
1.21 If the appointment of a new supervisor is required for some reasons, the appointment shall be made according to merit and this case is considered as a special case. This case cannot be referred to and be an example or a precedent for a case to come.
1.22 In the event of problems of supervision between the supervisor and student, the faculty should address this problem. If the problem cannot be resolved, the matter may be submitted to the Dean, PGC for further action.
1.23 The recommended ratio for students to obtain a quality supervision is as follows:
- Professor = 1:10
- Assoc. Prof = 1:7
- Senior Lecturer = 1:5
1.24 The Faculty may approve a higher maximum number of students provided that the supervisor has shown excellent supervision performance.
1.25 Newly appointed supervisor is compulsory to attend the supervision training handled by UCYP Human Resource Training Division.
1.26 Student-supervisor relationships are to be professional and free from exploitation and conflict of interest. Relationships that are not at arm’s length (e.g., current or past emotional, romantic, sexual, or family ties) are unacceptable between the student and the supervisor or between the student and any member of the supervisory committee. If conflict of interest arises, the individuals involved must immediately bring the matter to the attention of the Faculty and PGC for appropriate actions to be taken.